Comptek Solutions and the semiconductor industry

2023-10-02T11:56:32+02:0028 September 2023|

The semiconductor industry is working relentlessly to increase the efficiency and reliability of its products while improving manufacturing processes. In this quest for innovation and progress, Comptek’s proprietary technology, Kontrox™, emerges as the dawn of a new era in compound semiconductors. According to data, this technology can offer performance improvements of

The treatment of ventricular tachycardias: EBAMed

2023-07-05T10:13:31+02:004 July 2023|

The treatment of ventricular tachycardias (VT) still represents an open challenge for cardiology today. The main pillars on which the management of these arrhythmias is based are knowledge of the mechanisms of arrhythmia initiation and maintenance, optimal management of the underlying cardiac pathology, the use of anti-arrhythmic drugs and invasive therapeutic strategies

The market and fields of application of Quantum Technology

2023-06-21T15:26:03+02:0021 June 2023|

The world of Quantum Technology is attracting increasing interest from public and private investors. But what is meant by Quantum Technology? Let us take a step back. The expression Quantum Science refers to that field of physics that studies the motion and interactions of microscopic particles at or below the scale of

Market trends: Do you know what Blue Economy is?

2023-06-06T12:39:41+02:006 June 2023|

Blue Economy a way of acknowledging the potential of marine and coastal ecosystems and addresses one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development developed in 2015, referred as conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources. On top of

The new frontiers of photonics

2023-01-26T09:47:41+01:0012 October 2022|

“In exploring this area, we noticed that there is specific know-how in Italy on this subject, especially in telecommunications.” Conversation with Cristina Odasso LIFFT Head of Business Analysis What is meant by Photonics? “Photonics is the technological area that uses photons, and thus light, for various applications, such as data

The development context of Aria Sensing

2023-01-26T09:48:38+01:0025 July 2022|

The applications of modern radar are many and shape our daily lives in ways that are not always obvious. The antennas that will give us 5G and 6G internet coverage are electronically scanning antennas. The weather forecasts we consult would not exist without ground and space-based radars. Radars are also

the market

2023-03-09T15:20:55+01:0020 June 2022|

Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common chronic diseases and underestimated by those who do not suffer from it, characterised by intense pain with little tendency to resolve and consequent reduced mobility. Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 250 million people worldwide and is the leading cause of disability in the

Small satellite and communication in Space market

2023-05-18T16:20:48+02:0020 June 2022|

Many analysts forecast that by 2040, the global Space Tech Market will generate revenues of over US$ 1 trillion. [1] It is estimated that this growth will be driven, for a percentage ranging between 50% (prudential scenario) and 70% (optimistic scenario) by satellite broadband connection, due to the expected boom

The rubber recycling market

2023-03-09T16:28:22+01:002 May 2022|

A complex material Elastomers such as rubber are difficult materials to recycle because of their chemical structure. The higher the selectivity of the devulcanization process, the better the mechanical properties of the material: research has shown that more than 65% of the weight of virgin natural rubber (NR) can be

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