Our portfolio startup T1 Solutions is taking part in Q8‘s “Sailing for Change” project, an initiative created to celebrate the oil company’s 40th anniversary. This ambitious project, implemented with the scientific support of LifeGate, aims to improve maritime transportation safety and protect the marine environment.

A key component of this initiative is the distribution of T1 Solutions’ innovative kits in 40 Italian ports by 2025. These kits include FoamFlex sponges, designed to absorb oils and hydrocarbons accidentally spilled at sea. The sponges, which are hydrophobic and oleophilic, can be reused up to 200 times, representing a sustainable and highly effective solution for safeguarding marine ecosystems.
The project includes two types of kits. The first, intended for port personnel, contains 10 sponges and a wringing tool, with a total absorption capacity of about 54,000 kg of hydrocarbons over their lifetime, the equivalent of a full tank of gasoline of about 1,931 cars. The second, smaller kit is designed for boaters and contains three sponges designed to prevent spills during boat maintenance or refueling. This kit is particularly useful for absorbing oils from bilge water, with a capacity to absorb up to 540 kg of hydrocarbons, the equivalent of a full tank of gasoline of about 19 cars.
Q8’s initiative is not limited to the distribution of these kits, but also includes an awareness campaign aimed at boaters. In fact, in parallel with the distribution of the kits in Italian ports, 1,000 boater kits were distributed in early October for the Barcolana 2024 in Trieste, one of the most important sailing events in the world. The goal is to promote responsible and environmentally friendly behavior, emphasizing the importance of adhering to current regulations to protect the seas.
Participation from “Sailing for Change” is an important recognition of the startup’s “core” mission: indeed, T1 Solutions has always stood out for its commitment to finding innovative solutions to complex environmental problems. Projects of such scale contribute significantly to the protection of the oceans and demonstrate how innovation can play a crucial role in protecting the environment.
Here is the link to Mediaset’s news coverage of the initiative: E-Planet: September 22 episode Video | Mediaset Infinity